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Chemex, Classic Coffee Maker 6 cups (CM-6A)

Chemex, Classic Coffee Maker 6 cups (CM-6A)


Regular price 374,00 kr
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Chemex, Classic Coffee Maker 6 cups (CM-6A)


Enjoy a filter coffee with a smooth and round flavor profile using the Chemex Classic, which represents a modern interpretation of the 'pour-over' technique. This unique design unites filter holder and pitcher in a cohesive unit that exudes elegance and simplicity like a beautiful serving pitcher.

In this 6-cup Classic model with a beautiful wooden collar, you have the opportunity to brew approximately 9 dl of tasty coffee. The integrated filter holder and pot combination in this Chemex Classic model adds not only practical functionality but also aesthetic appeal to your coffee brewing experience.

To achieve the optimal brewing experience, the use of Chemex FS-100 or FC-100 coffee filters is recommended for this specific coffee maker. With this carefully assembled set, you can explore and enjoy the art of coffee brewing while creating a cup of tasty coffee with a smooth and rounded character.

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